Read moreNew - PlaybackPro Plus X version 4.0.8 is now available, macOS Sequoia compatible.

El Capitan Compatible Beta Downloads Page


There is a known issue with the IA Beta versions. If you are running the IA license, you will need to put the shipping version of PlaybackPro Plus(3.6.0) or Playback Pro (2.3.2) on your test system and activate it before the beta will run. The shipping version can be downloaded from our Downloads page or by clicking the links above.


Please note that IA versions require an license code to open and will not run in demo mode.  If you would like to test the beta version without a license please use the USB key version.

PlaybackPro Plus 3.6.1b IA Beta

PlaybackPro 2.3.3 IA Beta


The USB key beta versions can be reviewed with or without a USB license.  If no license is present then the applications will run in demo mode with a watermark on the full screen output.

PlaybackPro Plus 3.6.1b USB Key Beta

PlaybackPro 2.3.3b USB Key Beta